Monday, August 24, 2015

Everstar.. Dissapeared?

Home Depot - You killed my Everstar!

For some time ago, Home Depot stopped selling portable Everstar Air Conditioner units. Quite a few americans miss the brand. You can still get hold on one, but it’s getting harder and harder as times goes by.

Everstar MPK 10CR 1 lgEverStar

Spare parts

If you already own a portable Everstar unit, it is possible to get spare parts from your local Home Depot store. At least we have gotten messages from people who have been able to do so.

Midea Corporation bought the Everstar cooperation, and they might be helpful getting spare parts. Check out


Manuals dissapears.. At least if you are as messy as me.. Luckily it’s easy to find manuals for most things online.. However for Everstar… It’s quite hard, as they don’t have a prober official website. 

We have made an own section for manuals, where you are able to download the manuals for some of the models.


Everstar produced aprox. 5 different portable units, including:

- Everstar MPK-10CR

- Everstar MPA-08CR

- Everstar MPN1-095CR-BB6 have made a pretty good overview over the different models. 

Looking for a new portable ac for your home?

To be honest, I think I would choose another brand. It’s hard to get customer support and spare parts as Everstar is not producing new units under their name. There are plenty of options out there.

If you are not 100% sure if you would like a portable AC, or a traditional AC, I would search for more information. Portable units are not as effective as portables ones.



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